Preliminary reports have come to us from the defecting scientist through our Kreisau Circle contacts.
Once you link up with the resistance members afford them any help they might need in securing the safe defection of the scientist. They have commandeered a Panzer tank near the entrance to the complex and will be able to assist you in gaining entry to the facility. The Kreisau Circle has also informed us that a top scientist from the SWF wishes to defect.
The OSA has wanted to investigate the SWF since learning of its existence a few months ago, but we have been unable to pinpoint its exact location or gain entry. Deathshead's connection to the events at Castle Wolfenstein are becoming more clear, but it is imperative that we learn more about what his 'Special Projects Division' is up to. This is an industrial complex located near Kugelstadt, a city that has undergone intensive aerial bombardment by the Allies for the past 48 hours.
Deathshead has been tracked to what we believe is his Secret Weapons Facility (SWF).